Do Not Call List

Add me to your do not call list

To be added to our do not call list, simply submit any phone numbers or email addresses you would like to have removed below. You can also opt-out from our calls and SMS messages at any time via SMS by texting STOP to 509-324-6960.

Why are you calling me?

We call individuals throughout the United States to gather opinions on various topics. Our clients range from federal governments to your local grocery store, and anywhere in between. Many of our research projects even pay you for your time, and most participants find sharing their opinions to be fun. Getting involved in research projects is an excellent opportunity to make a positive impact on the future of your favorite brands and organizations.

All personal information we collect is strictly confidential. You are never added to any sales or marketing lists for participating in any of our research projects.

View our full privacy policy here

What about the FCC Do Not Call Registry?

As the work we do in market research is only to collect your opinions rather than sell you anything, we are not required by the Federal Communications Commission (47 CFR Parts 64 and 68, Rules and Regulations Implementing Telephone Consumer Protection Act) to exclude known numbers from the national “Do Not Call List” in our calling efforts.

You can find the full text of the FCC Telephone Consumer Protection Act here.

However, we do keep our own internal Do Not Call List, as we know some of you would rather not participate in our surveys. If you would like to be added to our Do Not Call List, simply email us any phone number you would like us to permanently remove from future research studies at

This is my private cell phone number; how did you get it and why are you calling me?

We use the same technology to target cell phone numbers as we do landline telephone numbers, where known cell phone numbers as randomly selected based on their billing zip code in the areas that we are targeting in order for us to call people who live within a certain region for market research opportunities.

These number types are required to be hand dialed (a human actually enters the number for each call) and no robocalls can be made. The CTIA has many recommendations for companies and consumers on how to appropriately manage and legitimize calls made to your cell phone number.

If you are looking for tools to help you identify SPAM and Robocalls to your cell number, please check out the resources here at CTIA – How to Stop Robocalls.

Legitimate companies like ours always ensure we are compliant with the recommendations of the CTIA, and FTC and FCC regulations before we attempt any work.

You can also opt-out from our calls and SMS messages at any time via SMS by texting STOP to 509-324-6960.