Please verify for your information for your study – Washington, 6/12, 6/13, 6/14, 6/18

Please take a moment and submit your responses to the questions to verify we have everything correct about you for your upcoming research study!

"*" indicates required fields

Please enter the email you have with us.
What is the best number to contact you at via phone?
Enter the year you were born, like 1999 or 1972.
Please enter a number from 1900 to 2050.
Which best describes the gender to which you most identify?
Which US County, Parish, or Township do you live in?
What is your race or ethnicity? If you are mixed race, select all races you represent.
Which best describes the highest level of education you have had the opportunity to complete?
Typically do you consider yourself more of a Democrat, Republican or something else? Even if you don't vote, how do you think about public policy?
Elections Voting In*
What Elections do you usually vote in? Select all that apply.
Do you work in, or have any training in any of the following industries or fields? Select all that apply.
Children at Home*
Do you have any children under the age of 18 at home?
Which best represents your current marital status?
Which category best represents your family's total household income, before taxes annually?
Home Ownership*
Which best describes your current employment status?
How would you like to receive your participation incentive? Digital payments are sent to the email address we have on file for you.
Please enter your mailing address so we can mail you your study information in addition to the email information you will receive from us. Include your CITY, STATE, and ZIP CODE as well.
This focus group will be completed online using your personal computer and webcam using a web meeting tool called Zoom. You must have reliable high speed internet access that you can use for the entire session, a quiet place to join the study from, and a computer or laptop with a webcam for use. When was the last time you joined an online meeting lasting for more than 30 minutes via your computer with your enabled webcam from Zoom?

If you have not used Zoom recently you will be redirected to our Calendly to schedule a technology check. Please select a time that is convenient for you within the next few days to ensure that we complete your webcam verification in a timely manner and get you your Zoom link with plenty of time to prepare.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.