Want to survey Spokane County residents on a budget?

Looking for a way to conduct a telephone survey but have a tight budget? Participating in our annual multi-sponsor (Omnibus) survey is a great way to get the survey results you need at a fraction of the cost of a full in-depth survey. Omnibus surveys combine questions from three or more organizations into a single survey to increase your purchasing power and spread start up costs across a larger sample.

Participating organizations will work with our analysts to develop expertly crafted questions that provide you with the results you need to make your upcoming strategic business and marketing decisions. Survey fielding is conducted by our in house telephone interviewing staff with full statistical analysis provided for each of your questions highlighting the findings as they pertain to your research objectives (results from each organization remain completely confidential, and are not shared with any other sponsor organization).

2014 Survey Timeframe:

  • The deadline to begin the process is to have your commitment to us by November 14th,
  • Then we will work to have questions finalized by Thanksgiving
  • This allows us to conduct the survey via telephone in December
  • And provide you with results in January!

Sampling Specifics: Spokane County Omnibus

  • Sample size, n=400
  • Random sampling of adults aged 18+ living within Spokane County
  • Sample will focus on both landline and celluar phone populations of adults in the county
  • Age and gender quotas will be based on County statistics
  • Margin of error +/- 4.9% at 95% confidence
  • Basic demographic questions and cross-analysis included: age, gender, education, income, voter registration, zip code, and presence of children in the home.

As a survey participant, you will receive detailed tabulations for each question you wish to submit for the survey as well as the basic demographic analysis, full text lists for any verbatim questions you wish to include, and a full graphical presentation of the survey results as they apply to your questions and your brand.

For more information about joining our omnibus study, call Joanne Vega, (509) 324-4272 or email joannev@strategicresearch.net

Per Question Pricing for 2013 is as follows:


A close-ended question is a question that solicits a specific response, i.e., yes/no, rating, etc. Here is an example of a close-ended question:

 Close-ended Question: Are you currently a resident of the City of Spokane? Yes or no?


No / Don’t Know

Some close-ended questions count as multiples, as they solicit multiple responses which require separate analysis.  Here is a sample of a close-ended question that solicits multiple responses and in this case counts as two close-ended questions for pricing purposes:

Multiple close-ended Question: Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. First…

Because of the Strategic Research Associates telephone surveying campaign, do you <STRONGLY AGREE, MILDLY AGREE, ARE NEUTRAL, MILDLY DISAGREE, STRONGLY DISAGREE> with the following statements?

A. I know more about the value of telephone surveying

B. I’m more aware of the self selection bias imposed by online sampling techniques

Open ended questions solicit a verbatim response from a participant. Open ended responses are collected and coded for easy analysis, and provided in verbatim format for line by line analysis later on.


Here is a sample of an open-ended question that solicits a verbatim response from the participant:

Open-ended Question: I have a question about a local market research facility we have discussed previously; Strategic Research Associates. When you think of Strategic Research Associates, what is the first thing that comes to mind? [PROBE FOR AT LEAST ONE SPECIFIC RESPONSE; MULTIPLE RESPONSES ARE ALLOWED]

For a sample of our research deliverable, you can review the results from an SRA sponsored Omnibus question we fielded in 2012 here: https://strategicresearch.net/?p=488